Septic Tanks

What is an Aerated On-site Wastewater Treatment System?

 | What is an Aerated On-site Wastewater Treatment System?compact + filter015

There are several brands of aerated on-site wastewater treatment systems which all have differences in structure, product quality and treatment process. For simplicity, we will discuss the market-leading brand, Taylex. Most aerated systems use at least 4 chambers in their treatment process. The Taylex System is a 5-stage system, the key stage of which is the aeration chamber. An air pump sends air to a diffuser inside the chamber. This creates an environment where healthy bacteria thrive. These bacteria digest the solids in the water and start the de-nitrification process to reduce nutrient levels to normal. Water is eventually disinfected using a small amount of chlorine (similar levels to tap water). Here is a link to the Taylex video which explains the process simply. Watch Now.

What is the best brand of Aerated On-site Wastewater Treatment System?

There are several brands available, but the longest running and most trusted brand is Taylex. When researching different brands consider the following;

  • What is the system made from? Consider that an on-site wastewater treatment system, once installed, should last as long as your home.
  • Are the internal walls moulded in a single piece with the exterior of the tank? As water moves from one chamber to another, it can create a lot of pressure against the interior walls, this is a common fail point in some systems.
  • What is the Emergency Storage capacity? If there is a power outage, how long can the system continue to handle your home’s wastewater load?
  • What is the servicing program like and how can you be sure that you are going to receive quality servicing for your system?
  • In which country was the system designed and manufactured? Our diet, water usage habits, household cleaning products etc. naturally differ from other countries. Is the system you are considering designed for Australian conditions?

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